Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day Back At Papaw's

On Monday, Maurissa started the 2nd grade and apparently Hannah thought she was going to school too because she had a backpack and a lunch box like Maurissa did. But it was off to Papaw's again. He watches Hannah while Maurissa is in school and when I get off work I pick Hannah up then we pick up Maurissa from school. Hannah cried when she was dropped off at Papaw's. She wanted to go to school too beacause she thought she was a BIG girl. Well, when I had picked her up I asked her why she cried today. She told me because she wanted to stay with Maurissa but she told me, "Momma it's okay because I had a good day with Papaw." "We picked pecans and I helped Papaw mowed." "I love going to Papaw's." I felt relieved. She had been used to Maurissa being with her these past couple of months. Hopefully next year we can get her in pre-k.

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